No privilege exists that is not inseparably bound to a duty - Pierre Samuel Dupont

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

An Idea for Student Loan Reform

In the recent tax bill signed by President Obama, there were $8 billion in earmarks.

My suggestion is for members of Congress to forgo the earmarks and use the money to buyout all existing loans and through the U.S. Department of Education restructure the loans to the original amount of the loan minus payments made to the principal and adding predetermined accrued simple interest since the time the loan was granted and set the loan at simple interest high enough to make the program self supporting and low enough to make higher payments on the principal.

This will result in a much better approval rate for Congress, be beneficial to constituents and improve the economy by having the loans repaid much earlier and making it possible for the purchase of luxury items.

I ask all my blogging friends to send messages to their Senators and Representatives. Click here for a list of addresses for your Congressperson.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Tax Bill

With all the rhetoric about the importance of cutting our national deficit, Congress had the gall to add $8B in Pork Barrel projects to a tax bill and signed by President Obama into law.There should be a public outrage against such a reprehensible bill. That money could have been used for buying out all the student loans and restructure them at simple interest minus payments made and at a rate high enough to make the program self supporting and low enough for repaying the loans much sooner as explained in my recently published book, For A Better America:Observations, Insights, and A Plan for Action by A Ninety Five Year Old American, the theme of which is to motivate " We the people" to take a more active role in the affairs of government, available at Barnes and Noble. com.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Student Loans


According to news sources, more money is owed on student loans than on outstanding credit card debt.

One student borrowed $255,000 to become a doctor and upon graduation owed an outrageous $555,000. Students are in debt for most of their working lives. This is a disgraceful situation that needs to be changed.

So what's an alternative?

The Department of Education should grant student loans at a simple rate of interest-- high enough to make the program self supporting and low enough for students to make substantial payments on the principal.

This and more in my recently published book, For A Better America:Observations:Insights and A Plan for Action by A Ninety Five Year Old American available at Barnes and

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Social Security

I think it is terrible that changes are being considered for Social Security that will raise the retirement age, reduce benefits and cost of living increases.The answer is for the President to take Social Security OFF Budget when he makes his budget proposal for the next fiscal year. This will prevent Congress from raiding Social Security and using its funds for other purposes, thus denying or reducing benefits for Social Security recipients.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

illegal immigration

It seems that President Obama is considering granting amnesty to illegal immigrants and thus making them eligible for social security benefits. This is unacceptable because these people have violated our laws and should not be rewarded with amnesty and social security benefits.What happens twenty or thirty years in the future? Do we grant amnesty to another multi million group of illegal immigrants?Please send a message to President Obama opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

amnesty for illegal immigrants

It seems that President Obama will sign an executive order granting amnesty to illegal immigrants and allowing them social security benefits. These people have violated our laws and should be denied amnesty. Please send a message to President Obama that you oppose granting amnesty and social security benefits yo illegal immigrants.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


In view of the corruption that has infested our country, it is time for the creation of a Citizens Commission with full powers of a grand jury as described in my book For a Better America:Observations, Insights and a Plan For Action by a Ninety Five Year Old American available at Barnes and Noble .com

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


In view of the corruption that has permeated our country, it is time for the creation of a Citizens Commision with full powers of a grand jury to oversee the affairs of government as described in my book For A Better America:Observations, Insights and a Plan for Action by a Ninety Five Year Old American available at Barnes and Noble .com.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

social security

In his budget proposal for fiscal year 1969, President Lyndon Johnson put social security on budget. This made it possible for Congress to " borrow " bilions of dollars from the Social Security fund to the point that there were insufficient funds to grant social security recipients a cost of living adjustment for the years 2010 and 2011. Also, there is talk of reducing benefits in the future.
Therefore, it is important that every one who pays Social Security taxes to send a message to President Obama to take Social Security off budget in his budget proposal presentation to Congress for the next fiscal year.
Feedback welomed.
This and more in my recently published book, For A Better America:Observations, Insights and a Plan for Action by A Ninety Five Year Old American, available at Barnes and Noble . com

Monday, September 27, 2010

Student Loan Reform

Student Loans

In late April 2007, news of a scandal was reported that financial aid officers in a number of prestigious and renowned institutions of higher learning were taking “kickbacks from lenders of Student Loans,” and the disgusting aspect of this horrible thievery was that the students were paying for it.

How much lower can people stoop for monetary gain?

If the financial aid officers involved have not been fired, they should have been.

Difficult to understand is the method by which students borrow money to subsidize college and postgraduate education. Following completion of their training, they are required to repay the loans at a compounded rate of interest. The result is the government is cheating itself because in addition to repaying the loan, the former student probably will be making mortgage and car payments that leave little or no means for consumer spending.

One former student bemoaned his situation to the point that his student loan of $45,000 had escalated to $104,000 with the end not in sight!

This impacts the gross national product and slows down the economy.

To improve this condition, there should be added a section in the U.S. Department of Education for granting student loans at the lowest possible rate of simple interest that would make the process self-supporting and at no cost to the government.

This is similar to small business loans granted to people who want to start their own business except that granting student loans is an investment in the future of students who will be our members of Congress, mayors, governors, city council persons, presidents, etc. There is little doubt that the repayment rate would improve immeasurably.

It is recommended that the National Education Association and all teachers unions unite and put pressure on the government to grant loans at a reasonable rate of simple interest. This will ultimately be beneficial to the government, the student, and society.

Change is in order.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Walk off

Who is the idiot who coined the term walk off for a game winning hit or home run in baseball? Where is the walk off feature when the winning team scores the game winning run and gathers together on the field to celebrate the victory for a few minutes? As for the term walk off , knock it off. Feed back welcomed.
Gene Di Cerbo

Friday, August 27, 2010

social security

Bernanke and his thieves in Congress have raided the social security account to the extent that there is not enough money in the social security fund for a COLA for 2010 and 2011. It also appears that efforts are being made to reduce benefits in the future.In order to prevent anyone from using Social Security funds for other purposes, it is suggested that all recipients and beneficiaries send a message to President Obama to put Social Security OFF BUDGET where it was before Lyndon Johnson put on budget

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I am writing a letter to Governor Charlie Crist. Here is a short excerpt.

Congress has no conscience. For ten years it refused to increase the minimum wage for government migratory farm workers and gave as a reason it was bad for business. Now it has stolen from the Social Security fund to the extent that beneficiaries who have paid into the fund all of their working years have not been able to receive a COLA for 2010 and perhaps 2011. Also there appears to be efforts to reduce benefits .What happened to Lincoln’s concept of a nation of the people, by the people and for the people?

The solution is to inundate the White House, the president, with letters, telephone calls, telegrams, E-Mails, Facebook, blogs and any other communicable methods to urge President Obama to take Social Security off budget where it was before Lyndon Johnson put it on budget. Thus Bernanke and his thieving friends in Congress cannot use Social Security funds for budgetary purposes.

This and more in my book For a Better America: Observations, Insights and a Plan for Action by a 95 Year Old American.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Debut Interview

I would like to share with you all that the first interview I did regarding my book For A Better America:Observations, Insights and A Plan For Action By A 95 Year Old American is now available online. I would be really glad if you took a few moments to check it out and spread the word by linking to it on your own Twitter, Facebook pages and blogs. This social media is really something.

I'd be glad to do any interviews if you're interested. Just drop me a note or email me at

Thank you for your support in my efforts to foster changes in our country.

Monday, June 21, 2010

First Interview

I am pleased to share that I just finished up my first interview about my book. A very warm gentleman, Craig from The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review contacted my daughter who is handling the press for me and expressed an interest in doing a story.

As I said to Craig, selling books is not necessarily my priority-fostering change for the betterment of our country is my main objective. Although please feel free to purchase a copy of the book and join in the movement to make America even better! To purchase my book just click right here. Buy book

I'll provide a link to the story when it comes out in a few weeks.

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Social Security and Medicare.

It is reprehensible that funds are taken from the Social Security program for budgetary purposes and then we find that there are insufficient funds remaining for Social Security benefits such as cost of living increases for two years!
In order to avoid this insidious practice, I urge all senior citizen groups including AARP and others
to unite in putting pressure on Congress to take Social Security and Medicare off budget. This will prevent " borrowing " funds from Social Security and Medicare for bugetary purposes as explained in my newly published book For a Better America: Observations, Insights and a Plan for Action by a 95 year Old American available at Barnes and Noble . com
Your comments are welcomed.
Eugene C. Di Cerbo

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Immigration Reform

One of the hot topics in today's political arena is the issue of immigration reform.

The basic premise of immigration reform is that illegal immigrants have violated one of our laws and that amnesty is not an option. Therefore I recommend that we write to our members of Congress (to find out how to reach your Congressional representatives just click here) and vehemently oppose granting amnesty to our illegal immigrants.

They should be processed through our U.S.District Courts and placed on probation for about three years during which time they will be supervised by a U.S. Probation Officer and their whereabouts will be known at all times. During this period they will be encouraged to learn English and then be encouraged to become naturalized citizens as described in my book entitled For A Better America: Insights Observations and a Plan for Action by a Ninety Five Year Old American, now available at Barnes and

During the period of probation, if they are convicted of violating another of our laws they will face deportation to their native land.

I'd like to hear your thoughts. So please feel free to comment and start a debate. Thank you for stopping by.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Congress and A Questionnaire

I'm glad to be back blogging. My absence was due to tying up loose ends with my publisher. Now that things are resolved, I'll be more attentive to my blog and you, my followers. Also, I added an option to subscribe. To get notice of when I write a new post, make sure you sign up!

I'm looking for two things in regard to this post. The first is feedback on this idea and the second, is information on how to get this questionnaire on a national election ballot. I welcome your reactions, thoughts and ideas. Please feel free to share on your own blogs, Twitter or Facebook pages.

This questionnaire is from my book, now available, "For A Better America: Observations, Insights, and a Plan for Action by a 95 Year Old American."

In view of the numerous issues that are dividing our country, it was felt expedient to compile the following questionnaire regarding these issues to be added to the ballot of the 2012 presidential election to ascertain the will of the people. The results will be sent to Congress to make amendments to the constitution and enact new laws in accordance with the will of the people. When the will of the people is ascertained, Congress can then make the necessary changes.

There will be three choices in the voting, Yes, No and Undecided.

Should English be declared the official language of the United States?

Should a Citizens Commission with full powers of a grand jury be established to oversee the affairs of government?

Should there be term limits for members of Congress ?

Should there be a retirement age for U.S. Supreme Court Justices?

Should Riders to bills of legislation be banned by Congress?

Should marriage be the union of one man and one woman?

Should Partial Birth Abortion be banned?

Should the words “ under God “ remain in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America?

Should the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America be permitted at public gatherings and events?

Should nativity scenes be permitted in public places at Christmastime?

Should prayer be permitted in schools under specified conditions?

Should the Ten Commandments be permitted to be displayed in public places?

Should the policy of Separation of Church and State be more specifically defined?

Should the policy of Religious Liberty be more clearly defined?

Should the constitutional privilege of Freedom of Speech be more clearly defined?

Should efforts be made to reduce the amount of sexual content in television programs,

movies, print and video media?

Should an application for naturalization require that an applicant be literate in English?

Should an applicant for a driver’s license be able to read and understand all road signs?

Should the word “ God “ remain on the currency of the United States of America?

Should the words “ So help me God “ remain in the inauguration oath of a new president and swearing in of government officials?

Should the words “ So help me God “ remain in the oath a person takes when testifying?

Should members of Congress and all officials of government be placed under the jurisdiction of the Office of Personnel Management the same as all other government employees for such matters as pensions, social security, health benefits annual cost of living increases and any other so called fiscal matters?

Should the power of Executive Pardon be amended to require the consent of a majority vote of the United States Senate?

Should there be a National Day of Prayer?

So what do you think?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Health Care

Photo Credit: Neil Parekh/SEIU Healthcare 775NW

Funding Health Care Reform has become a national disgrace. Our government has give billions of dollars to foreign countries including Israel, Egypt, Pakistan and others. Congress has squandered billions of dollars in pork barrel projects, Citizens Against Waste has issued a lengthy report listing dozens and dozens of areas where billions of dollars can be saved and yet Congress claims that Medicare cuts are necessary to fund Health Care Reform. We should write letters, send E-Mails and make phone calls to our Senators and members of the House of Representatives to erase waste and fund Health Care Reform that includes all citizens and not make cuts to Medicare.

In my book, For A Better America: Observations, Insights and A Plan For Action by a 95 Year Old American, I go into greater detail about my suggestions for reform.

Join me in the my efforts won't you?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Congress and Health Care

In my last blog, I stated we have a Congress with no conscience and no shame. Another example is the way Health Care Reform is being handled. Several Republican members of Congress voted for the plan offered by the Democrats and were severely criticized by the heads of the Republican party not for voting according to their conscience but because they voted " with the democrats". In other words members of Congress are expected to vote according to the wishes of the party they represent and not according to their own conscience. Also, according to a poll, more than 60 per cent of the people favored a public option, but it is not being considered by Congress. It is obvious that a Plan Health accepted will favor special interests so that at election time they will be a source of contributors to campaign funds.
We should all write letters, send E-Mails, make telephone calls to our members of Congress telling them that we do not want cuts to Medicare or tampering with Social Security and fund that we support a Health Care Plan that covers all of our people by reducing the billions of dollars the United States gives to foreign countries.
Citizens Against Government Waste, an advocacy group has an eight page report regarding
savings against wasteful spending.
With the reduction of moneys given to foreign countries and savings according to Citizens Against Government Waste we can afford Health Care for every American citizen.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Design Flaw in the Constitution

The framers of our Constitution unknowingly made a serious mistake in granting excessive powers to Congress with the expectation that it would do what is best for the country and its people. In reviewing its actions we have a Congress with no conscience and no shame. For ten years it refused to raise the minimum raise for government employees that were migrant farm workers living at or below the poverty level who traveled and lived in various parts of the country. Shockingly, the reason Congress gave was that it was bad for business. What happened to the nation of the people, by the people and for the people? Finally Congress granted these employees an increase in the minimum wage.
In 1951 Congress limited the number of terms a President may serve but did not limit the number of terms a member of Congress may serve. It made it possible for them to have lifetime careers by the despicable practice of adding Riders to bills of legislation in which were added pork barrel projects that were unnecessary and a waste of taxpayers money amounting to billions of dollars. This ingratiated themselves with constituents back home assuring them of lifetime careers. The reprehensible aspect of this is that term limits can only be made by Congress. It is like Congress saying to its members, " Stop the gravy train and everybody get off."
I have some ideas on how this can be changed. In coming posts I will share those with you. In the meantime, what do you think?

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Good news I am excited to share with you my book is now available from Xlibris entitled For A Better America:Observations, Insights and a Plan for Action by a 95 Year Old American. I would be glad for your support to help bring about some much needed change.

Today what is on my mind is that it bothers me is Congress cannot reform the Health Plan and wants to cut aid to Medicare and does not cover many of our people because the cost is so high. My suggestion is to reduce the amount of money we give to Israel, Egypt, Pakistan and other countries and take care of our own people.

What are your thoughts?

Monday, January 25, 2010

NFL tied football games.

At the end of a tied game, the procedure of giving the ball to only one team seems unfair. It is more fair to give both teams a chance to score.

Monday, January 18, 2010


I have not been blogging because I am tryimg to get the hang of it. Please bear with me until I am able to get it with confidence. Thank you. You will be hearing from me later.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

American Idol

Once again it is time for The American Idol, perhaps TV's most deceptively named program.It is deceptive because the contestants are not permitted to pick songs that showcase their talent. The producers want the contestants to sing a diversity of song styles so that when they release albums there are different types of style that make the album more marketable.
A perfect example was the contest with Carrie Underwood when Simon asked if country was the only type of song she could sing.Duh! She was a country singer, what else was expected of her?
Why are there four judges to comment on the performance of the contestants? It is a distraction and unnecessary.Three are more than sufficient.
Lastly, there is the unrealistic voting process that permits the same voter to vote multiple times simply by redialing. To make the voting more realistic, there should be a restriction on the number of votes that can be cast from the same phone as in all other contests on TV.
If the producers don't exercise more realism, there is danger that they will cook the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Do you think my assessment is fair?