No privilege exists that is not inseparably bound to a duty - Pierre Samuel Dupont

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I am writing a letter to Governor Charlie Crist. Here is a short excerpt.

Congress has no conscience. For ten years it refused to increase the minimum wage for government migratory farm workers and gave as a reason it was bad for business. Now it has stolen from the Social Security fund to the extent that beneficiaries who have paid into the fund all of their working years have not been able to receive a COLA for 2010 and perhaps 2011. Also there appears to be efforts to reduce benefits .What happened to Lincoln’s concept of a nation of the people, by the people and for the people?

The solution is to inundate the White House, the president, with letters, telephone calls, telegrams, E-Mails, Facebook, blogs and any other communicable methods to urge President Obama to take Social Security off budget where it was before Lyndon Johnson put it on budget. Thus Bernanke and his thieving friends in Congress cannot use Social Security funds for budgetary purposes.

This and more in my book For a Better America: Observations, Insights and a Plan for Action by a 95 Year Old American.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Debut Interview

I would like to share with you all that the first interview I did regarding my book For A Better America:Observations, Insights and A Plan For Action By A 95 Year Old American is now available online. I would be really glad if you took a few moments to check it out and spread the word by linking to it on your own Twitter, Facebook pages and blogs. This social media is really something.

I'd be glad to do any interviews if you're interested. Just drop me a note or email me at

Thank you for your support in my efforts to foster changes in our country.